
Building a model to predict the number of incidents involving both bikes and microvehicles in a given day in NYC?

From our exploratory analysis on bike and microvehicle incident trends over the last 3 years, we observed that these number of these incidents had an overall seasonal pattern … just like weather.

So, naturally, we wanted to see if we could build a model to try and predict the number of bike and microvehicle incidents in NYC. To do this, on top of the data we obtained from the New York City Motor-Vehicle-Collisions-Crashes web page, we also incorporate weather data from NOAA.

In specific, from the weather data we obtained three key variables - average daily maximum temperature, average daily minimum temperature, and average daily precipitation. The ‘average’ here refers to how we averaged these measurements from the 3 weather stations located in New York City: The one in Central Park, one by JFK Airport, and another one by La Guardia Airport.

The main quest of this page is to see if we could:

  • Use Cross Validation techniques to compare different models
  • Use the best model (based on Root Mean Square Errors) and predict number of incidents
  • Use bootsrapping to get a more accurate value of our parameter estimates.

Methods & Results

Steps in model building:

Subset crash_dat to isolate only the vairables we need.

Here’s a sneak peak of our this subset-ed data:

date n_incidents n_injured n_killed ny_tmin ny_tmax ny_prcp
2017-01-01 11 9 0 3.133333 9.800000 0.00000
2017-01-02 8 7 0 2.400000 5.566667 59.33333
2017-01-03 8 5 0 4.433333 7.400000 126.00000
2017-01-04 10 6 0 1.666667 12.033333 0.00000
2017-01-05 2 2 0 -2.300000 1.666667 0.00000

Here’s a graph showing how the number of incidents tracks remarkably well with NYC’s daily minimum and daily maximum temperature.

df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = n_incidents, color = "Number of Incidents")) + 
  geom_point(alpha = .5) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = date, y = ny_tmin, color = "Minimum Temp"), alpha = .5) +
geom_point(aes(x = date, y = ny_tmax, color = "Maximum Temp"), alpha = .5) + 
    title = "New York's weather pattern and Number of Incidents", 
    y = "Number of Incidents",
    x = "Time"

Create a cross validation dataset that splits the data: 80% for training and 20% for testing

cv_df = 
  crossv_mc(df, 100)

cv_df = cv_df %>% 
    train = map(train, as_tibble),
    test = map(test, as_tibble) 

Fit different models on the train dataset and compute RMSE values of the corresponding models

cv_df = cv_df %>% 
    linear_mod = map(.x = train, ~lm(n_incidents ~ ny_prcp + ny_tmin + ny_tmax, data = .x)),
    smooth_mod = map(.x = train, ~gam(n_incidents ~ s(ny_tmax) + s(ny_tmin) + s(ny_prcp), data = .x))
  ) %>% 
    rmse_linear = map2_dbl(.x = linear_mod, .y = test, ~rmse(model = .x, data =.y)),
    rmse_smooth = map2_dbl(.x = smooth_mod, .y = test, ~rmse(model = .x, data =.y))

Plot RMSE’s to compare the different models

cv_df %>% 
  select(starts_with("rmse")) %>% 
    names_to = "model",
    values_to = "rmse",
    names_prefix =  "rmse_"
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = model, y =rmse, fill = model)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
    title = "Comparing RMSEs of the linear model to the smooth model"

We note that the Smooth model has a lower RMSE, so we will build a model based off that.

Fitting a smooth model using daily average maximum temperature and average daily precipitation to predict number of incidents

smooth = gam(n_incidents ~ s(ny_tmax) + + s(ny_tmin) + s(ny_prcp), data = df) 

Making a prediction plot using the smooth model outputs

df %>% 
  add_predictions(smooth) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = n_incidents, color = "Number of Incidents")) + 
  geom_point(alpha = .5) + 
  geom_smooth(aes(y = pred, color = "Predicted Number of Incidents")) + 
    title = "Predicted Vs. Actual Number of Incidents",
    x = "Date",
    y = "Number of Incidents"

We see that the smooth line tracks really well the observed number of predictions. Note however, this is not the most thorough model for a couple of reasons discussed in the summary section of this page.

Bootstrapping to obtain non-parametric estimates of out model

We first assessing the relationship between Number of Incidents and our predictor variables

p1 = df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = ny_tmax, y = n_incidents)) + 
  geom_point() + 
    y = "Number of Incidents",
    x = "Daily Maximum Temperature"

p2 = df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = ny_tmin, y = n_incidents)) + 
  geom_point() + 
    y = "Number of Incidents",
    x = "Daily Minimum Temperature"

p3 = df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = ny_prcp, y = n_incidents)) + 
  geom_point() + 
    y = "Number of Incidents",
    x = "Daily Precipitation"

p1 / p2 / p3

In the next section, we apply Bootsrapping (1000 resamples) to obtain estimates without making parameteric assumptions

Bootstrapping using modelr

df_boot_results = df %>% 
  bootstrap(1000, id = "strap_number") %>% 
    strap = map(strap, as_tibble), 
    models = map(.x = strap, ~gam(n_incidents ~ s(ny_tmax) + s(ny_tmin) + s(ny_prcp), data = .x)),
    results = map(models, broom::tidy)
  ) %>% 
  select(strap_number, results) %>% 

Computing mean parameter estimates and constructing confidence intervals based on bootstrap confidence intervals

smooth_model = df_boot_results %>% 
  group_by(term) %>% 
    mean_est = mean(edf),
    sd_est = sd(edf),
     ci_lower = quantile(edf, 0.025),
    ci_upper = quantile(edf, 0.975)

smooth_model %>% knitr::kable()
term mean_est sd_est ci_lower ci_upper
s(ny_prcp) 5.161344 1.591514 2.773001 8.314164
s(ny_tmax) 5.068845 2.113530 1.000000 8.473610
s(ny_tmin) 4.949790 1.147207 2.972163 7.571552

Model Equation:

\[Where:\] \[tmax= average\:daily\:max\:temp\:in\:NYC\] \[tmin= average\:daily\:min\:temp\:in\:NYC\] \[prcp= average\:daily\:precipiation\:in\:NYC\] Lastly, we show here that under repeated sampling, using bootstrap, we see that the distribution of our estimate is skewed

df_boot_results %>% 
  filter(term == "s(ny_prcp)")  %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = edf)) + 


In this section we follow up on one of our earlier observations on how incidents involving microvehicles and bikes (overall) displayed seasonality (like the weather.) We subsequently try to build a predictive model, using these (weather related) predictor: daily maximum temperature, daily minimum temperature, and precipitation.

To that end, we first use cross validation to compare a linear model and a smooth model. Using RMSE as a discriminator, we decide to use the smooth model to build our predictive equation. Lastly, we use bootsrapping to obtain non-parametric estimates and confidence intervals of the final model equation.


Some (but not all) of the reasons that our model is not the best possible predictive model:

We would appreciate any feedback you may have on this and other sections.